MobiMB Mobile Media Browser 2.3 英文正式版(NOKIA最新版手機軟體完全破解)
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MobiMB Mobile Media Browser 2.3 英文正式版(NOKIA最新版手機軟體完全破解)
Main features:
Browse your phone's folders using a simple explorer-style interface
Simple to use - just drag & drop!
Colour wallpaper, operator and welcome logos
Transfer colour logos and polyphonic ringtones
Manage photos
Create and edit playlists (using any folders)
Transfer Java applications and games
Transfer high scores and game options!
No premium rate lines - no expensive download charges
Back up existing files to your PC
Supports a wide range of Nokia handsets
System-friendly - does not use system resources when not in use
Make the most of the latest colour Nokia phones! Many of Nokia's recent handsets (see the specifications page for a full list)
contain the Gallery feature, and now for the first time you can get full access to the gallery folders from your PC.
MobiMB allows you to browse your gallery and drag and drop images, MIDI files and Java MIDlets into your phone from your hard disk!
The files can be ringtones, full colour wallpapers, transparent colour operator logos, startup logos or games and applications,
depending on your phone.
MobiMB installs on your Microsoft Windows PC, and connects directly to your handset using a standard cable or infrared port
(available separately).
Most new Nokia phones contain Nokia's new polyphonic ringtone technology, and now you can upload your own polyphonic tones
from your PC! To upload a ringtone, simply select a MIDI file on your hard disk, drop it into the ringtones folder in the gallery,
and the file will be available to use as a ringtone. MIDI files can be created and edited with any standard MIDI sequencer package
(sample ringtones not included with this product, but many are freely available at a variety of web sites).
A number of common colour graphics formats are supported by these phones, including JPEG and GIF. Edit an image using your favourite
graphics editor, or use a ready-made one, cut it to size and drop into the phone! Java MIDlets designed for use with mobile phones
can be added to your Games and Applications folders.
Browse your phone's folders using a simple explorer-style user interface
Drag & drop ringtones and graphics into the phone to use as a ringtone/logo and manage your photos
Drag & drop Java MIDlets into the Games and Applications folders on your phone
Uploads files without affecting their original quality
Select colour wallpaper, operator logo or startup logos from your PC
Preview images and MIDI files on your PC (requires media player)
Save your existing files to your PC
Functionality depends on the exact capabilities of your handset's firmware.